Care Farming Network

The Care Farming Network is proud to feature care farms from across North America in our member directory. You can view our national directory by clicking on “Find A Farm” in the menu above. To contact this care farm directly, you can find their website and/or social media links in their listing below:

Our mission is to provide homes and workplaces where people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities live and work together as peers, create inclusive communities, and transform society through relationships that cross social boundaries.

L’Arche is unique among residential service providers in that core members (adults with intellectual disabilities) and assistants (people without intellectual disabilities who support core members) choose to live life together like a family. We come together around the dinner table, for house meetings, and for weekly celebrations. Core members lead the community through their creativity and compassion. As core members’ needs change we respond by adapting our routines and our physical spaces.