Care Farming Network

Kasey Armstrong

Program Coordinator

Kasey is a group facilitator, project coordinator, and network steward based on Nipmuc land in Massachusetts. In all her work, she strives to illuminate ways of convening and collaborating that honor our humanity, creativity, interdependence, and well-being. After receiving her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science, Kasey spent a season working on a small, diversified organic farm in Maine. She fell in love with farming and has since worked for small-scale organic farms and environmental nonprofits across the U.S.

After earning her M.A. in Environment and Community from Antioch University Seattle’s Graduate Programs in Leadership and Social Change and developing a love for facilitation and relationship building, she moved back home to Massachusetts to live and work at Gould Farm, where she facilitated community building projects and co-managed the farm-to-table breakfast cafe for two years. Over the past five years, her work has focused on developing a national peer-learning network for green infrastructure professionals and co-founding a social change practice to empower radical humans to cultivate belonging and emergence. She is thrilled to weave all of these experiences – especially her time working in and learning about care farming – into supporting the members and programs of CFN.

Kasey is introverted, playful, grounded, weird, and a big feeler. She loves – among other things – sandwiches, singing, jigsaw puzzles, and spending time with her people. Nothing in life has taught her more than having her hands and feet in the soil.