Care Farming Network hit the road to New Jersey to present and exhibit at NOFA New Jersey’s 35th Annual Winter Conference, Living Roots, Resilience, & Food Security, on January 25, 2025.
Since 1985, the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey (NOFA NJ) has been a champion for organic farming and local food systems across the Garden State. We were honored to take part in this year’s conference, sharing the mission of Care Farming Network and highlighting how care farming uses therapeutic farming to promote health, well-being and belonging.

We were excited to host a panel of care farms in New Jersey that showcased the diversity of care farming: from growing vegetables, animal-assisted interventions, seed saving, raising livestock to flower production. Each of the panelists talked about their organization’s unique and innovative approach that combines agriculture and therapeutic practices to benefit individuals with diverse needs, including those facing mental health challenges, developmental disabilities or recovery from life-alternating circumstances.

Kristin Hock, founder of Fostering Farmers, shared the organization’s mission to provide housing and employment on a nonprofit farm, offering vital support to young adults aging out of the foster care system in New Jersey. Through meaningful work and a stable living environment, Fostering Farmers helps these young adults transition toward self-sufficiency and independence.
Ian Sullivan, Lead Farmer at OASIS tlc shared how OASIS tlc promotes the inclusion and acceptance of adults with autism in their local communities by establishing environmentally exemplary farm centers that provide meaningful work, healthy and peaceful residences, and community interaction. Oasis tlc has developed a farmstead model that provides lifelong opportunities for individuals with autism, offering continuing education, vocational training, employment, and housing in a supportive farm environment. Designed as agri-tourism sites, OASIS tlc farms create jobs, produce goods for sale, and foster meaningful community inclusion and engagement.

Melanie Reed, Program Director of A Meaningful Purpose at Reed’s Farm highlighted how A Meaningful Purpose has addressed the needs of food insecurity, soil regeneration, and community inclusiveness in Atlantic County, NJ since 2020. Reed’s farm operates year-round utilizing organic and regenerative practices, hosts a sanctuary for farm animals, and provides educational and vocational programming to local schools and organizations with a focus on individuals with cognitive disabilities. A Meaningful Purpose, Inc provides a community hub that inspires all who gather here to engage with nature and celebrate its healing capabilities.
Care Farming Network’s mission is to raise awareness about care farming, its therapeutic benefits and highlight the incredible diversity of care farming. If you would like to highlight your care farm and be a part of a care farming panel at your regional/local farming conference, please let us know!
Thanks to USDA’s Northeast SARE for providing support for this care farming panel and helping increase employment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities on production farms in the Northeast.