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What is the Care Farming Network?
Over the past 25 years, Red Wiggler has become a leader in Care Farming. As a special project of Red Wiggler, the Care Farming Network advances the therapeutic use of farming practices by connecting new and established agricultural-based programs to build capacity, increase quality, and provide technical support. The Care Farming Network currently has 38 members from 20 states and is a catalyst for creating and sharing resources for Care Farms to be successful.

Resources the Care Farming Network offers and provides includes:

  • Consultations regarding starting, building, and growing Care Farms
  • Map Directory of Care Farms in the United States
  • Technical support, tools, and resources about Care Farms operations, best practices, fundraising, identification of needs, and staffing and volunteer management
  • Workshops, seminars, and conferences
  • Supportive community and a place where Care Farms can come together to actively engage with each other and share knowledge

Goals of the Care Farming Network:
The Care Farming Network’s goal is to create a supportive community that will:

  • Strengthen existing Care Farms
  • Create a better infrastructure to help new Care Farms start up